Saturday, February 3, 2007

The Grape Lady, Models, and a Gaywad

Here's a video that I first put on Bogurdine, but I felt it was important to include it here:

Okay, now here's a hilarious music video made from the Grape Lady's wounded-seal cries of pain:

This one is titled "Son of Grape Lady". Who knew that horrible noise could be so effortlessly duplicated?

These are Eastern-European models biffing it on the runway. What the hell, did they put grease on the floor or something? Anyway, gorgeous skinny chicks deserve to go down hard.

And this guy totally deserved what happened to him, just because of the gay way he was dancing right before the biff.

I'm so glad you're here.

I really, really am.

I have another blog called Bogurdine (check out my sweet links), and that blog is mostly about my life in general, but I decided I needed to branch out a little.

If you're reading this, you already know that I love to see people take huge, sweet biffs, especially if there is ice involved. I checked out this site called, and it was a little funny, but pretty lame and seems to be inactive. So I decided to start my own blog dedicated solely to the art of the biff, and the appreciation of the painful wipeout.

If I find a funny video, you will see it. If I see an awesome biff, you will hear about it. Comment all you want, but know this: I make no apologies for my sense of humor. I don't want to hear any whines about my meanness or lack of compassion. You know that you are looking at all this because, in the darkest recesses of your soul, you are laughing just as hard as I am.
