Sunday, September 23, 2007

Don't hate me

Okay, I generally avoid videos of kids biffing it for a couple reasons. First, kids fall all the frickin' time, so what else is new? Second, I feel genuinely bad for them when they wipe out. That's right, you heard me: I...... CARE. Don't you dare tell anyone, because I will deny it.

However, this video... this very special video... has a kid who gets up and doesn't even cry, and halfway through the music starts... I laughed my ass off.

Kid falls off swing, into HUGE puddle - Watch more free videos

Bowling for Spaniards

Hmmmm.... maybe if you're at el aeroporto in Madrid, and you know you have a cart full of crap weighing more than you do, you should avoid the escalator. But I'm so very glad this muchacha didn't.

Madrid Woman Falls Down Escalator - Watch more free videos

Dumbass vs ceiling fan

This guy so had this coming. And the Power Rangers theme music is the icing on the cake.

Owned by Ceiling Fan - Watch more free videos

Drunken Big Brother Biff

Totally classic.

Girl From Big Brother Croatia Eats It - Watch more free videos