Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My Own Personal Wipeout

So, I totally biffed it yesterday and my kids saw me and laughed hysterically. Yeah, I know. KARMA.

Here's the story: I was out on my deck in my new apartment, enjoying a smoke before dinner, and my kids were inside watching TV. By the way, the sliding glass door is kinda heavy and sticks a bit, so it can be hard to open. So I get up to go in, grab the door handle, and give it a mighty yank. My fingers totally slip, and I end up sprawled on my back on the chaise lounge.

I could hear the kids laughing, even through the thick glass. Oh, and my daughter's boyfriend was there too. And later that night, my son went out for a smoke and re-enacted my fall. Niiiiiiice. "You have learned well, Grasshopper..." A sick part of me was actually a little proud of their appreciation of the fine art of the biff, even though it was me they were laughing at.

How weird that I totally fell in the summer, while I managed to stay upright all winter long.

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